What chips do you like?
Many people prefer to enjoy chips rather than a healthy snack; which is fine during your productive day as you are busy,stressed and hungry. i suggest you buy a bag of chips and eat away.Personally i love chips especially Munchies because its like one bag and different kinds of delicious chips in it.I’ve always wondered what peoples favorite chips answer my curiousity i created a survey with four questions and 50 interviews.
In my survey i asked “What type of chips do you like the most?” and “Do you eat chips everyday?”. i got pretty good answers from a lot of people. most said that they didn’t like chips but that was probably like 2 out 50 interviews. Chips might not be as healthy or have a lot of protein but they can help you get through the day.
40% said they liked Munchies,10% said Lays were better,20% loved Hotcheetos,30% went for Doritos.
You could say people really do have different taste in chips.Although, mostly everybody went for munchies.