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Fun and Local News for the Titans

CCHS Oracle

Fun and Local News for the Titans

CCHS Oracle

Fun and Local News for the Titans

CCHS Oracle


The Oracle – an authoritative or wise expression or answer

The Oracle is operated as an open-forum, an open exchange of ideas.

Mission Statement: The Oracle is a student published first amendment newspaper. The Oracle is committed to the Cesar Chavez community, providing news, information and entertainment. The Oracle operates as an open forum for the exchange of ideas.

Letters to the Editor: Letters are strongly encouraged and greatly appreciated, particularly those bringing up issues and opinions not represented by the publication. Letters should be no more than 300 words and signed by the author. Anonymous letters will not be published. Email letters to [email protected], the subject being ‘Letter to the Editor’ or drop letters by E-101, or in Mr. Gruno’s mailbox in the main office. The Oracle reserved the right to edit letters for length and content. Letters become the property of The Oracle and will not be returned. The Oracle reserves the right to refuse publication of letters.

Editorial: Unsigned editorials reflect the position of The Oracle staff and are approved by the editorial board comprised of editors and/or writers. Comments, letters, editorials, and cartoons with a byline or signature represent the opinion of the writer, which may or may not reflect the opinion of The Oracle staff. This paper does not endorse or represent the opinion of the adviser, Cesar Chavez High School administration or Stockton Unified School District administration.

Online Comments: The Oracle editorial bard reserves the right to screen on-line comments for appropriateness to the topic and mission of The Oracle.