Hey Chavez student’s, want to be in the yearbook?


Hello Titans! This school year will be one that we will never forget. Distance Learning can be difficult and congrats to everyone who has done their best. Lucky for us, we will actually have a yearbook this year, despite the limited memories we were able to make together as students. Would you like to be part of the yearbook ? Down below are form links and you can respond to as many as you would like! The topics range from mental health to senior good-bye’s and thank you’s. Remember to keep your responses and pictures appropriate for school.


1) Senior Athletes: https://forms.gle/MxQibNjXt8dLHqxi7

2) Senior VAPA: https://forms.gle/2wE1FqniLPr6ho3CA

3) Senior Good-Bye’s and Thank You’s: https://forms.gle/wXuDtCueBJr4ZBL87

4)First Person I want to hug: https://forms.gle/QBrPDb9dCkvavpgG8

5) Multiple People working from home: https://forms.gle/C5icfKLAs7sSHaGG6

6) Academic projects done remotely: https://forms.gle/Mq7JRHirfH2j4uJj9

7) Pets: https://forms.gle/UpcB9T8hn5FR1XPq9

8) 10 things you must do: https://forms.gle/WsxFkaACPtL5VDtEA

9) Home workspace: https://forms.gle/j3TyWoRsVNVzWVnk7

10) Friendships- Staying Connected: https://forms.gle/heqSUbZQSRbGJMuc9

11) What I’m missing this year: https://forms.gle/s8GCduGerDjF1nG56

12) Silver linings: https://forms.gle/ArYYu138ZGyKy32aA

13) Masks: https://forms.gle/Zagk7NVANHbMXqrWA

14) CCHS Helpers: https://forms.gle/DhUo53XKd55Gejv47

15) Last normal photo: https://forms.gle/AMpxiFfcRwmHYmDb9

16) Athletes at home: https://forms.gle/LHih9SELdkwh4Bnd9

17) Mental health: https://forms.gle/VfzKJTNxkyYvLb4Q7

18) Dancers: https://forms.gle/KhNj4HZMxuj8j5PZA