Do some of our teachers think we stay home and do nothing?


As we all know staying at home has been a challenge for many of us, I am sure all of us have had our ups and down at some point during this pandemic. Many students go through personal household issues outside of school or it may not even be household issues it could be family members they have to take care of.

While it may seem like home schooling and zoom classes are easy, in reality it can actually get pretty stressful. In fact just the other day I was watching the news and they were discussing how many students have been failing the majority of their of their classes. For example, here at CCHS we have just finished out 1st term of classes. We are a school with roughly 2100 kids in it and of those 2100 kids, there was a total of 4700 Ds and Fs across our entire campus. That averages out to be more than 2 Ds or Fs per student enrolled at Chavez. 

Sometimes the amount of stress and workloads can lead to poor grades. An anonymous Chavez Student told me “… A teacher of [mine] emailed the class ‘Stop resting and do work.’ Nothing else.” Now don’t get me wrong there are some students at home doing nothing, but it’s a big chunk of students who go through a lot at home I’ve even heard for some going to school was an escape for them.

Assigning more work is not necessarily the answer to getting students to participate in class. Sometimes teaches its just simply assigning work that is interesting and makes us want to be a part of your class in this messed up pandemic times that we are going through.