End of the Year Senior Activities

Cesar Chavez students it’s that time of the year, summer is coming and school is ending. While studying for finals and passing the term with good grades, seniors will be having fun at their upcoming events. Don’t forget seniors, you must have your school issued picture ID in order to attend any of the events. Here is a list of what they will be doing to end their high school careers:
- Cap-n-Gown distribution, May 14th during 2nd period or pick up in the student store if unable to attend.
- Paint the Walk, May 18th in main quad, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
- Graduation ticket pick up, May 28 football stadium, 9:30 – 11:00 am. Students receive 15 free tickets. If ASB bill is cleared before May 22, they receive 3 extra tickets.
- Senior Sunset/ Luau, May 24th 6:30 – 8:30 pm.
- Graduation Rehearsal May 29 Stockton Arena, promptly beginning at 7:00 – 10:00 am.