Welcome Our All New Drill Team, The Titanettes!


Cesar Chavez Titans be prepared to be amazed by The Titanettes! Our first ever drill team is a new addition to the football games, basketball games, and rallies. This original group will be entertaining the crowds with modern hip-hop and pop choreography during the games. Not only will they be attending home games but also away games.

If you did not get a chance to join the Titanettes, do not worry! There is always next year because the Titanettes are here to stay. Auditions will be held at the beginning of every school year. Be sure to have a lot of school spirit and commitment. The Titanettes usually rehearse Tuesdays and Thursdays, and occasionally all week if there is a big performance.

With the help of Lashanda Roberts, the Titanettes were born. Cesar Chavez senior Amarey McKinney became the point person for the students to help create the drill team. Amarey stated, “I started this group because I am a dancer and I enjoy what I do. ”

The Titanettes are extremely excited to reveal their all new attire and routines. We can’t give too many details, but just know that they will be repping our school colors, black, white, and gold. Not only do they want to surprise the crowds with their dances but they will also blow you away with their unique apparel. 2018-2019 Titans be prepared to be the first ever, at Cesar Chavez High School, to catch a glimpse of the Titanettes.