Horoscopes for September 11, 2015


Today’s Birthday (09/11/15).

This is your lucky year! Go for your dream. Personal growth (especially after 9/13) and partnership (which blossoms after 3/8) are key. Do it for love.

To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.


(March 21-April 19) — Today is a 9 — Expect a busy workflow today and tomorrow. Don’t try new tricks yet … stick with trusted methods. Strengthen foundations. Make your deadlines by rigorously scheduling. Choose stability over illusion. Add passion.


(April 20-May 20) — Today is an 8 — Play by the rules, and practice to grow skills. Find fun games today and tomorrow. Spend time with people you love. Widen your family circle. You can get whatever you need. Soak up the love.


(May 21-June 20) — Today is a 9 — Enjoy domestic pleasures over the next few days. Settle into family activities and goals. Cook up something delicious with simple ingredients. Get into home projects, and get the gang to help.


(June 21-July 22) — Today is a 9 — Research projects thrive today and tomorrow. Learn voraciously. Weigh pros and cons before making decisions. Don’t let past disappointments limit you.


(July 23-Aug. 22) — Today is a 9 — Changes that are good for you may be tough for somebody else. Get what you need, with the best quality you can afford. Consider the impact of your choices.


(Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Today is an 8 — Your energy is rising today and tomorrow. Don’t spend it all partying, although new opportunities can come from socializing. There’s no hurry … take things slowly and avoid do-overs. As you gain strength, you also gain options.


(Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Today is a 7 — Peace and quiet suit your mood over the next few days. Complete old projects, and indulge in past memories. Clear space for upcoming new endeavors. There’s potential for conflict with authorities. Listen to someone who doesn’t agree. Consider.


(Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Today is an 8 — Begin a social phase. Group projects go well today and tomorrow. Friends are your strength. New options arise in conversation. Align on priorities, and get in action.


(Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Today is a 9 — Pass up an invitation to party. Take on more responsibility. Expect increased scrutiny. Ace the test and reward yourself with good food and time outside.


(Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Today is an 8 — Make plans and itineraries. Consider farther into the future. Imagine how you’d like it to be. Don’t fall for a trick. Buy tickets in advance from reliable sellers.


(Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — Today is a 9 — New opportunities arise. Go for the big prize. Join forces with another to get the funding. Get into a two-day planning strategy. Involve your partners and family. Share your vision.


(Feb. 19-March 20) — Today is an 8 — An agreementĀ is required over the next two days. A partner has a practical plan. What you get isn’t what you expected. Check for errors. Don’t overspend. Think fast under pressure, and remain graceful with romantic changes. Share.

(Astrologer Nancy Black continues her mother Linda Black’s legacy horoscopes column. She welcomes comments and questions on Twitter, @lindablack. For more astrological interpretations visit Linda Black Horoscopes and www.nancyblack.com)