Cultural Assembly at Chavez

The assembly was at Chavez High School. The assembly was about all the different types of culture students have here. It was to show students the variety of cultures that other students have. The assembly was held Tuesday April 21 in the gym. They held the assembly to show cultures students have at this school.

The Cultural Assembly generally had a lot of dancing and music in it. It went from the choir singing to Mariachi playing music to poly club doing their unique dance. Each group had thier own type of movement and had an interesting way of doing it.

The Groups who performed were:

-The National Anthem and Alma Mater by show choir

-Jazz Choir

-Dance Club

-Baile Folklorico


-Poly Club

-Cambodian/louse Club

-Drum line

-Jazz Band

The best part of the show was at the end when Jazz band played. Jazz band gerenally went at the end of the assmebly because they are the ones who usually play their music while people can walk out. One member of Jazz Band, Dominic Samuels, junior SLC Health, said, “There should have been more people there to watch.” That would have been great for there to be more people to experience what Jazz Band was like. They have a great sound and it’s fun and enjoyable to watch and listen to them play.

The overall assembly was okay. Most groups who preformed did a good job. For some group, they were a little off with the others when they were dancing but it was hard to tell. But out of all the group together Jazz band was the best. They had a great sound of music and never went out of tune with eavh other.