Students may be failing in their classes

Don’t! Don’t! Use them!!!

Parents get mad at their son or daughter by not passing every class. But believe it or not majority of the students at Cesar Chavez High School are failing their classes because they use their electronics during class. They may use it when the teacher is teaching or all the time, which doesn’t matter to them. It affects their  ability to learn, that they will need later in life. By this situation the students fail their test and cannot do their homework. Only because they were not paying attention in class. The only time the students may use their phones is when they are looking for research upon on what they are learning. To solve this issue the teachers could take their electronics for the whole period class, for them to start learning.

If the teachers start taking away the students phones away, it gives the students the ability to do well in class. It could raise their grades up and make each parent happy. Do well in test or quizzes and even do well on homework without any help at all. Only because they were actually paying attention during the lesson and getting every work done on time.

Electronics are a distraction to some students, it prevents them from getting work done.

— Soveni Ke, Senior, Engineering & Enviromental Science

However if this idea has been mentioned before, there are some students that will go against it. Somehow it’s not the problem. Students are not paying attention by using their electronics, it’s because a situation the students are going through. It could also be that those students just don’t care about their education at all. But that’s not true, we have seen students using their electronics during class and if we check their grades majority of the students are failing. Not like the students don’t want to learn, it is the electronics taking away their education.

Taking away the students phone could probably be the best idea but its a good idea for them to start paying attention in class. To get their education all together to be successful. We need to discuss with Mr. Nelson to give the teacher the ability to take away students electronics if those students are not doing well.

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