Operation Titan –

Donate to a Chavez Soldier


Drop off donations to your soldier in room C102.

The purpose of Operation Titan is to send out as many care packages to Chavez Alumni who are currently serving in the military to show them they still have Chavez love. Chavez sends the packages out during the holiday season, in hopes of spreading holiday cheer. CCHS wants to show love to Alumni because the most difficult times can be around the holiday when you are so far away from home without their family, protecting the country for everyone else.

Operation Titan has been going on at Cesar Chavez High School for 12 years now. With the hundreds of packages that they have sent out over the years former Chavez students and current US soldiers get things like snacks, tooth brushes, toothpaste, notes, and reminders of home. They then ship off the items to the alumni serving.

Current and former students can drop off items to send to the soldiers with Mr. Areida in room C102. The leadership will then package up the items and send them off. Last year Chavez shipped over 74 packages with shipping costing over 700$. This year Chavez expects to ship 80 or more care packages before Christmas. You can send off things like Wet ones, Chap stick, Sun Screen, Socks, and lotion. You can also donate Fruit Snacks, Gum, Multi-Grain, and more.

You can reach out to more students around campus and ask if their family members and/or friends that have graduated from Chavez would like to donate. If you know of friends or family that graduated from Chavez and are now in any branch of the military you can visit room C102 and tell them your family or friend name and they will add them to Operation Titan roster if they are not already on it.