Worst Practice Ever

Blog #3

Hello guys, I’m back again with Blog number three. In this one I’m going to write about possibly the worst practice ever. I have to admit I think everyone was irritated that day. We might have practiced for about 30 minutes and then mostly everyone left. No one really talked to each other, our dance teacher Stephanie flashed because of a comment someone made saying “I wouldn’t even show up to the Quince if it was up to me.” She stormed out saying we wasted her time. After that the tension was thick. My friends mom was just done with the whole thing. From that point on we all thought we lost our dance intructor. Of course I was sad because of the close bond we had made and because without her we wouldn’t know the right counts for the dances, which would end up making us look like a fool on the day of the Quince. This blog won’t end on a bad note though, after a few days she came back around but this time stricter than ever. I didn’t mind though, I was just happy she was back.