Mr. Wilson

Cesar Chavez High School, in the spring of 2018, will be saying goodbye to a legend of a teacher. Mr. Dave Wilson, Chavez’s video production teacher, will be hanging up his digital video recorder and saying goodbye to Chavez High.

Mr. Wilson, our video production teacher here at Cesar Chavez High School, has done a lot for our school during his time here. He is the only video production teacher on campus and makes sure a majority of our activities are recorded, edited, and look nice for our school. He has also filmed events outside of school both for our school and for other people in the community.

Mr. Wilson has decided that this will be his final year here because he is ready to retire and spend time with family and loved ones. Mr. Wilson has been here since the school had first opened. Mr. Nelson, our previous principal, asked Mr. Wilson to come on board and start up a video department. Mr. Wilson built our video production program from scratch and began teaching it his first year here. Through Mr. Wilson’s video classes the school now provides game and practice tape for coaches both on and off campus as well as footage for other events.

Mr. Wilson first became interested in video when he was in college. As a senior at San Jose St. University when he discovered video production and began focusing on this as his future. Wilson was then given the opportunity to teach a video class at San Jose State when the Dean of Broadcasting asked him to sub a class for a teacher going out on leave. He ended up teaching the class for six weeks and the students of his class said that Wilson taught the class better than the original teacher. This inspired Wilson to teach his own video production class eventually down the road.

Mr. Wilson was hired by Lincoln High school  where he taught video production, he was a technical operator in 1990. Wilson stayed at Lincoln until 2006 where he turned 55 and was thinking about retiring his career but decided to work at our school Cesar Chavez. Wilson enjoyed being a video teacher here and building a video program for our school. Wilson teaches the kids how to record and edit. On their second year he lets his students produce their own videos.