Horoscope for April 14, 2014

Today’s Birthday (04/14/14). This year’s motto could be “party for a good cause”. Improved communications and organization at home add ease and peace. Springtime improvements set the stage for joyful gatherings. Collaborations and partnerships foster compromise and politeness. Pluto, Saturn and Mars retrograde phases (now through July) encourage reflection, planning and revision. Fun with family lights up summertime. Autumn reveals new freedom and direction. Encourage love.

To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.


Aries (March 21-April 19) —

Today is a 7 — Pluto turns retrograde (until 9/23), and power struggles decrease. It’s still not a good time to argue. Pressure eases, and you can take time to look back. Secure the ground taken. Be cautious with long-distance travel, and take it slow. Watch conditions for changes.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) —

Today is a 7 — With Pluto retrograde for the next five months, political control issues ease. Careful financial review reveals future expenses, so be careful and stick to the budget. Pay bills. Do the research to craft a plan that fulfills a brilliant idea. Share your dream.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) —

Today is a 7 — Listen, but don’t argue. Naturally, you know which path to take. Don’t gamble or spend on treats for the kids. Push yourself recreationally. For the next five months, acknowledge and revise partnerships. Wait to see what develops. Someone’s saying nice things about you.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) —

Today is a 7 — Figure out how much you can afford to put away. Your intuition gets approved. With Pluto retrograde (until 9/23), severe pressure eases, and you can relax and recharge. Express your emotions artistically. Settle into a pleasant routine at work. Make future plans.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) —

Today is a 7 — Don’t gamble with your reserves or buy stuff you don’t need. Check on supplies. Over the next five months, strengthen relations with your community and partnerships. Take time to knit structures together for dependent support. Work for peace, beauty and freedom. Talk is cheap.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) —

Today is a 7 — Discover family secrets from the past over the next five months. Get into the research. Take time for personal discovery, and capture it in words and images. Go easy on creative chaos. Get outside and taste freedom. Schedule more time for reawakening and relaxation.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) —

Today is an 8 — Bossy overlords get distracted while Pluto’s retrograde (until 9/23). Savor creative freedom, and push your personal agenda. Consider possibilities, and make long-range plans. Budget carefully, and play by the rules. Listen to your intuition about the road ahead. Communicate your passionate commitments.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) —

Today is a 7 — Love and spirituality soothe like balm. Homesickness can be profitable, with Pluto’s retrograde (until 9/23). Don’t bet the farm, though. Maintain financial routines carefully. Look back and gather insight on where you’ve been. Enjoy creative freedom, and invent. Look ahead and visualize your desire realized.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) —

Today is a 7 — Over the next five months, rearrange your resources. Include talents, affection, and connections. You have more than you think. Keep equipment in repair. Avoid wasting time allowing gossip. Communications could open surprises… make statements as if everything you say were public. Keep secrets to yourself.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) —

Today is a 7 — The intensity lets up with Pluto retrograde for the next five months. Use this break to review strategies. Write the roadmap to reach a future personal goal accomplished. Develop your leadership. Take it slow to avoid accidents. A new appliance isn’t reliable.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) —

Today is a 7 — With Pluto retrograde for the next five months, take time to review and reflect. Prepare a reviewing, dig into family history, or write your memories. Study and explore. Plan a peaceful retreat. Communications could seem intense today… soothe emotions with something delicious. Sign contracts later.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) —

Today is a 7 — Let love urge you to make or renew a commitment. New information could change options. A decision could get reversed. Listen to your senses. Take on new responsibility for greater independence. For five months (with Pluto retrograde) review and refine plans. Learn from the past.