Horoscope for December 14, 2013

Today’s Birthday (12/14/13). Partnerships magnify results this year. Holiday relaxation primes the money pump, which gushes after the New Year. Explore what you love most in May, and creative productivity soars. Focus your actions toward your higher purpose. If you don’t have one, invent it, and change things to suit. This builds career success, especially after August. Tell the world about your love.

 To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

-Today is a 7 — Conflicts arise between career and family time. Whatever you choose, don’t do it randomly. An experience today becomes more precious to you. Pay attention in the moment. Expansion and growth are part of the comparison.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

-Today is a 7 — You’re on top of the world, so you may as well enjoy it. Leave interference behind. However, hold onto your treasure and keep out of someone else’s argument. Your turn to have values is to waste on confusion.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Today is a 6 — Discover a difference. Note changes in the family schedule. Run a reality check. Assume struggle. Don’t touch your lend money. The more you save, the more you’ll be able to splurge later. Postpone chores beyond basics and relax.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

– Today is a 6 — A disagreement could arise in which your judgment is questioned. Stand your ground. Keep track of spending. Maintain control. Learn from criticism, but don’t choose your standards. If things gets too hot, go outside. Relax in the sun.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

– Today is a 6 — A little mistake can have big consequences. Review details carefully before, rather than after, you do the job. Stand up for your idea, but be willing to compromise. Your assignment may change, so prepare gracefully. Remember that the customer’s always right.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

– Today is a 6 — Choose private over public. Stick to realistic tasks. The potential for breakdown is high. Have patience. Remain obsessed with details and clear confusion before proceeding. Watch out for hidden obstacles. Keep the facts straight and everything works out.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

– Today is a 7 — An older person provides unwanted advice. Now you’re glad for that down time a few days ago. Everybody wants your attention. Schedule carefully. A separation is temporary. Breathe deep, relax and ignore irritations. Save your time.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

– Today is a 6 — Pay close attention to a wise figure. Annoying arrangement hinder. Stay home and study. Schedule time carefully. Re-assess your ambition and consider options. Don’t draw attention to yourself until you’re ready. Catch up with an old friend.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

– Today is a 7 — After paying bills, stash a little cash. Compare actual expenses to be budgeted. You don’t have to save everything. Attend a lecture or speech and take notes. Don’t deny the tough questions. Learn from someone with experience.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

– Today is a 5 — Don’t let a critic cool your mojo. Avoid problems, even if vengeance seems sweet. Respectfulness brings about respect. Accept a challenge and listen to good suggestions. Work together with someone who thinks differently. Take advantage of multiple viewpoint.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

-Today is a 5 — Don’t overlook any rules today. Revise and streamline your routine. Monitor application. Rely on a long-time partner. Acknowledge restriction as they present themselves, and move on. Don’t take “no” for an answer. Stamina patience wins out.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

-Today is a 6 — Share your love the old-fashioned way. Write a love letter or send flowers. Reasonable activities satisfy. Don’t break a family rule. Share your feelings and work out any differences of opinion. Enjoy conversation over a delicious meal.